It’s a proven fact that time flies when you’re having fun! (*Scientific evidence pending.)
Escape Authority is “proud” to announce by “popular” demand, our second annual MUMMY WEEK !!!2!
That’s right budding Egyptologists – it’s time for EIGHT straight days of EGYPT (slash) MUMMY games! (*Fun fact: a week is eight days long in Egypt.)
Every. Single. Day. This. Week. A new Egypt / Mummy game will debut on the site – including a bonus review posting along with our EA FREE PLAY! Giveaway on Friday, because as you know, there’s just no such thing as too much Egypt / Mummy (which is probably why it feels like every venue has one these days!)
Some games as great as the pyramids, and some, well, buried deep inside one for a reason, #MUMMYWEEK!!!2! is our second annual (and never again, for real this time) tradition!
Our second annual #MUMMYWEEK!!!2! even includes a full site overlay befitting of a (really poor) Pharaoh! Be sure to come back tonight at midnight to experience never before (except during the first #MUMMYWEEK!!!1!) graphics to ring in the start of our mummy takeover!
And if you just can’t wait for #MUMMYWEEK!!!2! to begin, why not dig through the sands of time to have a look at one or two Egypt / Mummy themed games we’ve previously reviewed: