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Review: Titanic

RATING: 6 Keys          RESULT: Win          REMAINING: 31:28

Mark Twain once quipped, “Humor is tragedy plus time.” In similar fashion, it’s sometimes difficult to imagine that one of the biggest tragedies of the past century could provide the backdrop for one of the best escape rooms ever built, but 104 years later, here we are!


titanic_4-minOne unquestionable truth that comes with dealing with tragic events is a pre-programmed knowledge of the subject matter. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who is unfamiliar with the RMS Titanic. Saying the name evokes alluring images of legendary grandeur intertwined with desperate, urgent terror.

2,223 people boarded her maiden voyage. Only 706 survived to tell the tale. Now the next hour will determine whether you’ll be forever heralded as a hero, or just one of the 1,517 that met a watery grave.

Your crew volunteers to navigate the depths of the Titanic with the hopes of activating controls that will salvage the lives of the many helpless on this sinking ship. Their fate is in your hands. Best of luck.

A rescue mission set on that faithful night between April 14 and April 15, 1912 paints the scene for one of the most immersive, interactive and compelling games you’ll ever find.


Once you open the old cabin hatch door, there is simply no question that not only have you stepped back in time over a century. Unfortunately for you, you’ve picked the worst possible evening to do it. This IS the Titanic, and she’s sinking fast.

The scenic quality is among the best we’ve seen in a game. It’s completely immersive, with Hollywood quality sets that instantly transport players into this legendary story world.

Fixtures and furnishings are authenticity antique, evoking the feel of a once elegant ocean liner set just moments after something has gone terribly wrong.

But it’s ambient sound effects and background music loop that add the biggest layer of realistic urgency to Titanic. It’s muffled, as if echoing from several decks above you – but we can clearly hear the iconic RMS Titanic Band, taking their position from the first class lounge up to the forward half of the upper boat deck, solemnly continuing to play in the ultimate act of professionalism – an effort to keep passengers calm while all was clearly lost. They continue to play tonight, throughout what will one way or another be your final hour aboard this ship – their peaceful tunes a stark contrast to the clear sounds of women and children desperately screaming for help.

It’s definitely more than a bit dark, but it translates the chilling reality and gravity of that legendary moment perfectly, and immerses you into the experience in a way few I’ve ever witnessed can do.


Titanic shined in every area cross the board, but it was the puzzles that truly “WOWed” us. This game does what so many try to do but few actually manage to achieve: it creates a puzzle track that feels more like real world reactionary activities than a game. Much like The Basement’s brilliant third game, The Study – which solidly holds the distinction of being our favorite game, even hundreds of games later – Titanic follows suit by creating a world wherein the puzzle steps feel like logical extensions of “what would I do if this were a real situation.” Titanic immerses you into its world so solidly, so successfully, so effectively that it now joins The Study in very elite company as simply one of my favorite games in the United States.

Because it’s always important to stress, though I think here it goes quite well without saying, every single step in Titanic is logical, intuitive, clear and fun. At not point in the flow of our experience did we feel as though we hit a brick wall – and I want to be clear – that doesn’t mean this game is easy; much to the contrary, it’s just that well written.

On top of that, every step along your journey connects so solidly to the storyworld that it truly does further progress the adventure in a very real way. This game makes it so very easy to get lost in its legendary world.

Titanic is also the game that many of us crave for. All tech, no locks. Well – that’s not entirely true – you’ll find some locks used in the most unique ways you’ll ever see, one of which will no doubt put you in a scenario you’d likely have never expected to find yourself in an escape room. It’s always rough when you vfind a game with one of those rare “WOW” moments that you desperately want to tell people about and talk about, but just cannot in order to maintain the surprise. Titanic has more than one of those, and I want so badly to tell you but I just cannot and will not. You need to give this one a shot on your own, because I guarantee you’re really going to dig it!


60out, as a brand, has always come with a lofty reputation. One of their early games, Senator Payne truly was one of the first in the market to dip it’s toe in the water of a heavily tech based experience, and even by today’s standards it did a decent job of achieving its ambitious goals.

But this new batch of 60out games – man, they cranked the dial to 11. We had the opportunity to play six of them on a recent trip to the Los Angeles area and loved every single one of them – some of which will likely forever be high on our proverbial “top ten list” – but Titanic is different.

In their new world of bar-raising attractions. Titanic is unquestionably the biggest Jewel atop 60out’s well deserved crown. Simply put its one of the best total package gaming experiences in the United States today.

And as for a brand, it’s become crystal clear to us that you just cannot go wrong with 60out. With their new slate of offerings, they took us from being already fans to being completely blown away, and honestly have raised lofty expectations for their next batch – and something tells me they will deliver. One thing is certain, from here forward, 60out is a destination attraction for us that will be a must see on each and every future trip to the west coast.

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Venue Details

Venue:  60out

Location: Marina del Rey, California

Number of Games: 4


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 6 people

Group Type: Private  / You will not be paired with strangers.

Cost: $40 per person (a minimum of two people are required for booking, then prices vary for each additional player.)



EAR Disclaimer

We thank 60out for inviting us to play this game. Although complimentary admission was generously provided, that in no way impacts the opinion included within this review.

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