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Review: DreamWeaver

5 Keys

RATING: 5 Keys          RESULT: Win          REMAINING: 4:31

 A mystical realm hides a powerful object locked away by the very stars themselves. And cobras. Also there’s cobras.


The best stories never truly end, so it’s always a treat when we get the chance to turn the page to the next chapter of Imagine Escape Games. If you have not already read our review of The Introduction: The Alleyway Vigilantes, Chapter 1: Jungle Gem and Chapter 2: ReSEArch, we highly recommend you start there. Each of Imagine Escape Games’ rooms follows a flowing climatic story, and although they can certainly be played and enjoyed in any order, the strongest narrative impact is achieved when entering their worlds in proper sequence.

We’ve chased The GameMaster through the darkened streets, halfway across the globe to a remote jungle and even deep below the ocean’s surface on our quest to free our mentor, the great Neil Savage from the pages of The GameMaster’s Legacy. During our prior adventures, we have successfully obtained the mystical gem stone Electra, the Sub-Zero power core, and, of course, The Book itself. But before we can combine them in an attempt to override The Machine, there’s one final legendary object we must seek: DreamWeaver.

Hidden somewhere straight out of the pages of a tale as legendary as 1,001 Arabian Nights, we have less than one to secure the final piece of our quest before heading into a most epic climactic battle. As the story goes:

Far underground lies the ancient and powerful DreamWeaver. You embark on a quest to unearth and harness its mystical forces. Beware, you aren’t the only one searching! Don’t let the Dark Prince’s evil magic possess you!



DreamWeaver exists within a whole new world. (Get it? Do you get it?) An Arabian marketplace sets the scene for the game’s initial locale. The space feels authentic – both figuratively and literally thanks to hand crafted and aged wall textures. A small upper level hides the first of many surprises found in the pages of Chapter 3.

Gaining access into the secret underground resting place of DreamWeaver is sure to be a blast – but once there, the excitement is far from over. Individually carved stone blocks line the walls, accented by antique shelves full of enough potions to make the alchemist in your group very happy. (wait, all escape game teams bring their own alchemist, right?)

The secrets to harnessing the power of DreamWeaver are quite literally hidden in the stars, but to get them, you’ll need to use just a bit of magic. (Now who’s laughing at me for bringing an alchemist along?)


With a venue so story-driven to the core, it should come as no surprise that Imagine Escape Games goes to great lengths to ensure each and every step within the pages of DreamWeaver has a direct connection to the central narrative. Tasks feel like real-world objectives, with each bringing us closer in our quest to reclaim the magical, powerful orb.

Along the way, adventurers will interact with their surroundings in a very big way through a mix of logical and physical tasks that each fit perfectly into this fantastical Arabian marketplace. From measuring out fruits at a local vendor’s cart to charming deadly cobras, it’s like a page straight from the story of Aladdin.

But once we unearth the secret chamber, things take an even more magical turn. Mystical powers seal DreamWeaver away – and clearly the only way to unlock magic is with a little magic of our own. Mixing potions and reading the stars themselves will bring us this happy ending.


Imagine Escape Games continues to be one of the most story-driven venues in Central Florida. With each new game, they turn a page in their book, finding brand new ways to immerse guests into their latest chapters. And better yet, with each new adventure we find ourselves in a fantastical world so distinct from the others that you’re instantly compelled to see the rest.

They continue to be an industry leader at the fine art of linking each chapter together with an over-arcing unified story approach. Not only is this rare to find in the industry, but of the few venues who try, even fewer do it well. With good reason, Imagine Escape Games remains a benchmark for how a solid story should be told, leaving players walking out the door fulfilled from what they’ve just experienced, yet instantly dying to find out what’s next.

Imagine Escape Games’ originality and compelling product is a direct extension of the passion they share for this industry. No story is ever truly finished, as feedback constantly leads to tweaks and future improvements ensuring a solid, timeless product.

But now, with The Book, Electra, Sub-Zero and DreamWeaver in our possession, there’s just one chapter yet to come in this epic story. Someone hurry up and turn the page! 



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Venue Details

Venue:  Imagine Escape Games

Location: Tampa, Florida

Number of Games: 4


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 8 people

Group Type: Public or Private / Depending upon the booking option selected, you may or may not be paired with strangers.

Cost: $30 per person (public game) / $34 per person (private game, minimum 5 people)



EAR Disclaimer

We thank Imagine Escape Games for inviting us to play this game. Although complimentary admission was generously provided, that in no way impacts the opinion included within this review.

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