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Review: Trapped In A Room With A Zombie

RATING: 1 Keys          RESULT: Win           REMAINING: 0:10

Run! Don’t get eaten by the zombie! Jump over the chain! Sprain your ankle!


There is 1 hungry zombie chained to the wall. Every 5 minutes a buzzer sounds & the chain grows a foot from the wall! Find the clues, solve the riddles or get eaten! Will you survive this hysterical, family-fun adventure?

Oh No! A teenager in a lab coat with minimal makeup on their fac… uh I mean a zombie!

Run! Everyone run! No, really, just run in circles. We don’t know why we are trapped in this room. We don’t know why there is a zombie. We don’t know why the chain gets longer every five minutes. All we know is that we need to run!

If the zombie touches a player, they must be put in long timeout. That is, they will be banished to the corner of the room and can no longer participate in the game. Not for two minutes. Not for ten minutes. For the entire remaining time.


Scenic?! Scenic?! Who said anything about scenic?!

Just throw some half walls up inside an old auto garage, put a metal desk in the middle and some shelves around the outer perimeter, and place a cabinet to hide a zombie in.

That’s all that is needed to open an escape game business, right?

Oh, you want more? Ok, let’s splash some “blood” around and… nope we’re all out of ideas.

The early iteration of Trapped In A Room With A Zombie was definitely not designed to immerse guests in a post apocalyptic world or high tech zombie treatment lab. In fact, we’re not sure it was designed at all.


Well since the scenic is non-existent, the puzzles must compensate by being really good… right?


Who needs quality puzzles to open an escape game when you can just buy items from Toys “R” Us? RIP Geoffrey 🙁

No, really, much of what zombie evaders must do in this “adventure” consists of playing with toys.

In fact, two of our group members spent almost the entire hour trying to navigate a ball through the hoops of the Mindflex brainwave obstacle course toy. Good thing they spent so much time on that, seeing as it wasn’t even needed to complete the game.

The most high-tech aspect of this experience was the $25 remote control car that was likely purchased from the Toys “R” Us down the street.


This now defunct venue was one of the first live-action escape games in the region. The industry has evolved quickly, making sure that a game of this caliber would not last long in today’s competitive market.

Trapped In A Room With A Zombie runs with up to 12 players in a group. That is far, far too many for the single room space and gameplay. With the added chaos of a “zombie” chasing people around the room with their ever lengthening chain trailing behind them, it creates a dangerous environment. One member of our team tripped over the chain and sprained his ankle.

It has been a few years since our experience with this brand. While several of their locations have since closed, including the one we went to, we are hopeful that the remaining venues provide paying guests with a better experience than we received.


Venue Details

Venue: Room Escape Adventures

Location: College Park, MD

Number of Games: 1


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 12 people

Group Type: Public / You may be paired with strangers.

Cost: $29 per person



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