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Review: The Toy Room

RATING: 5 Keys          RESULT: Win          REMAINING: 5:43

Straight out of a child’s imagination, this playroom has it all: story, scenic and unique, clever, tech-driven puzzles.


The Toy Room is advertised as being suited for ages 5-105, and for once, that might in fact be true! The story transports you into a wonderful world where the toys come to life and have exciting adventures while you’re away.

You have returned to the toy room for an awesome day of play but you noticed that now you can’t seem to leave thanks to that sticky old door.

Don’t worry, kids! The toys have left clues to help you find another – much more fun –  way out.


The scenic dressing in this room is both wonderful and whimsical. It really does transport you into a child’s playroom, full of blocks and toys, bright, vibrant colors and a giant dollhouse that spans an entire wall just for you to explore!

Everything in the room was clearly designed with a keen eye to be both kid friendly, as well as evoke memories of actually being a kid for adult groups. It truly transports you back to your youth in a way so many attractions want to but so few are actually able to achieve.


The Toy Room manages quite successfully to have a very unique approach on how to structure a game. A mix Clue, traditional puzzles and fond childhood memories blend seamlessly to create the over-all experience.

This game has four different paths to follow – which can be accomplished in any order, but must all be accomplished in order to succeed. Each is linked to a specific toy that lives in the room.

It’s up to you to figure out what each toy’s name is – something that will be very important to your final escape. From there, you’ll play along with each toy down its own unique puzzle track before he or she finally rewards you with a small piece of the final code.

Oh, and speaking of rewarding you – there’s more than just codes and keys to be earned in this game. How about CANDY?

That’s right – each milestone step actually rewards the player who achieved it with a small package of candy, which is yours to keep (or in most cases, eat immediately!) I just cannot imagine something that would be more exciting for a kid to find when they’re not expecting it!


Though The Toy Room seems like a game outwardly meant for kids, it is solidly created in a way which it appeals to an audience that ranges from little kids to big kids to grown ups who want to act like kids! It’s designed in such a way that there are steps fun for kids to work on while at the same time, others that will challenge the adults.

To be clear, our experienced group of two full grown adults escaped with barely more than five minutes left on the clock. The Toy Room kept us busy for nearly 55 minutes, and every one of those minutes was a total blast.

Perhaps the area in which The Toy Room shines brightest is the way it can turn adults into completely willing – and excited participants. There were moments in this game where I was literally sitting on the floor, Indian-style, playing with building blocks, constructing something out of LEGOs or driving around a remote control car.

It’s for this reason above all others that I give The Toy Room such a strong recommendation. It really is a blast for any combination of age groups, and is one of the only games I’ve played that manages to both appeal to new players as well as experienced ones equally.


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Venue Details

Venue:  Escape Thrill

Location: Clearwater, Florida

Number of Games: 4


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 4 adults (up to 6 total with children)

Group Type: Public / You may be paired with strangers.

Cost: $28 per person

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