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Review: Ghost Ship

RATING: 5 Keys          RESULT: Win          REMAINING: 16:20

If ye be brave or fool enough to face a pirate’s curse, proceed – and mark well me words mateys, on this supernatural pirate adventure, dead men will tell tales.


Many years ago a curse was put on this ship and its whole crew for their sins. Since that wretched night, they have been capturing people at sea and holding them prisoner with the hope that they might be the ones to help break the spell, but no one has even come close.

After you are caught, can you release everyone from this dark spell, or will you become a part of the cursed crew like so many before you?

An epic twist on the classic “Pirates of the Caribbean” style adventure tale – Ghost Ship instantly transports us into the lead role of active participants. The sense of urgency is apparent, and the consequences are clear: break the curse and live to become the hero, or fail and die to learn a fate worse than that death itself, damned to be served for all eternity.


The whole pirate ship motif is one that, while becoming more common within the industry still isn’t easy to pull off well. After all, old wooden ships and square office rooms carry two very distinctly different flows.

Ghost Ship does a decent job of creating its physical world, though we do wish a bit more time was spent reshaping the rooms themselves to carry the more rounded-flavor a ship’s quarters would have. Though this game is absolutely spectacular and its story is a solidly immersive one, the rooms themselves fall into their own curse of feeling just a bit too “office boxy.”


If you’ve read any of our other 60out reviews, it should come as no surprise that Ghost Ship’s puzzle flow is just absolutely jam-packed with clever, unique, original and intuitive moments. Consistent to the lofty goals set by their own brand, every step in this game connects in an organic way to the narrative, furthering the story toward its ultimate climax.

Starting strong being trapped in the brig, Ghost Ship delivers one big story moment after another through its unique and satisfying game play.

A good story continuously builds to its climax and in that regard Ghost Ship truly shines. As good as its opening puzzles are, its closing moments deliver several unique “wows” that connect it to the narrative in a way that left us talking. I think it’s safe to say that we’ll likely never again encounter a scenario wherein we need to carry out a violent sentencing on a pirate corpse or uncover the secrets of a still-beating heart. Really, really cool stuff.


Like a fully loaded cannon aimed at the ship of its enemies, Ghost Ship really blew us away. And the simple fact is if we sound less than surprised – it’s honestly because we are not. 60out has consistently proven that the standards of its brand will forever be raised to a much higher level than ever before, leaving us simply expecting one of our new favorite games when we play at their venues.

And in every instance, 60out delivers on that promise.

60out has become a company that’s not must see, but most make a priority to see as quickly as possible. They’ve transcended the world of great games into one of great designation attractions, literally worth traveling to see. So chart a course into the dark waters of the flooded Los Angeles market and find yourself this Ghost Ship mateys. If ye be brave or fool enough to face a pirate’s curse, ye won’t soon be disappointed in the treasure waiting to be unearthed.

They say dead men tell no tales – but win or lose aboard the Ghost Ship and tales they’ll be a plenty from this cursed place.

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Venue Details

Venue:  60out

Location: Los Angeles, California

Number of Games: 3


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 6 people

Group Type: Private  / You will not be paired with strangers.

Cost: $38 per person (a minimum of three people are required for booking, then prices vary for each additional player.)


EAR Disclaimer

We thank 60out for inviting us to play this game. Although complimentary admission was generously provided, that in no way impacts the opinion included within this review.

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