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Review: Atlanta

RATING: 4 Keys          RESULT: Win          REMAINING: 1:03

There’s a lot of things that make Atlanta famous – but a certain Cola recipe might just top the list. So naturally we’re going to steal it. And then burn the list.


Unlock a safe containing the secret Cola formula by solving puzzles and riddles centered around Atlanta’s attractions and landmarks, while learning a little more about the Peach State’s rich history.

A sort of tribute to all things Atlanta, Ultimate Escape Game focuses on one of the city’s most well-known claims to fame: being the hometown of Coca-Cola. Although not officially the theme due to licensing legalities, from the second you step foot into Atlanta, there will be no mistaking your mission.

And while it’s not entirely clear if our role is that of good guy protecting the secret Coca-Cola recipe from misuse, or bad guy stealing it for our own competing company, something about Atlanta makes it almost an unimportant detail.  This is Ultimate Escape Game’s most light-hearted room – stripping away the sense of danger and urgency and putting more of a focus on just having fun in their famous home town.


Ultimate Escape Game went with a sort of “clip show” route here in an effort to really highlight some of Atlanta – the city’s – best known tourist hot spots as players flow through Atlanta – the game. Much like the room’s story, the scenic is a bit on the lighter side, with more focus on just having fun with it.

Our mission begins in a break room that we assume is straight out of the nearby Coca-Cola factory. A clearly branded motif lines the walls, including well-known graphics from past ad campaigns, as well as various officially licensed collectibles. Naturally, a Coca-Cola vending machine sits in the corner, fully stocked.

Other destinations along our whirlwind tour of Atlanta include a locker room shared by several of the city’s world-renowned sports teams, including the Braves and the Falcons. Naturally, or quest ends in the very vault that houses the secret recipe for Coca-Cola itself.


Atlanta’s puzzles are on the somewhat easier side of the spectrum relative to the other offerings at Ultimate Escape Game – but make no mistake, that’s a good thing. In a venue full of some highly challenging games, having a more entry level option available for newer players is not only smart, but it’s critically important.

That being said, even with easier puzzles, this game was entirely enjoyable, and provided a suitable challenge to our very experienced team that we would define as “just right.”

Atlanta was fun – and a truly clever way to spotlight some of the more well-known landmarks and tourist features of the local area. Each puzzle connects in some way to Atlanta (the city) in such a way that it feels organic in this environment. With the majority naturally being Coca-Cola themed, there were still others that connect to major landmarks around town, as well as the area’s popular sports teams. It’s important to note that players need know nothing about Atlanta (the city) prior to entering Atlanta (the game.) Every bit of information you’ll need in order to solve its puzzles will be readily available to you somewhere within the room.


Specifically, we visited Ultimate Escape Game to see Submerged, a room which came highly recommended to us from several different readers, and absolutely delivered and in some ways exceeded those expectations. With little time to plan this outing that sprung up as part of a last minute business trip, we really didn’t have a chance to give any of the venue’s other rooms much prior consideration. On paper, Atlanta didn’t really grab our attention at first glance.

Thankfully, with some extra time after playing Submerged, as well as Atlanta being available at the very last minute gave us the opportunity to see what a mistake missing it would have been. This game is truly fun – lighthearted and a pleasant change of pace from the constant urgency of “WE’RE ALL DOOMED, THE WORLD IS GOING TO END AND EVERYONE’S GOING TO DIE IN JUST ONE HOUR” games that are more common across the industry.

Given its subject matter, Atlanta is unquestionably perfect for the local market – and will no doubt be a treat to both tourists who recognize its iconic content as well as locals who live it every day.

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Venue Details

Venue:  Ultimate Escape Game

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Number of Games: 5


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 12 people

Group Type: Public  / You may be paired with strangers.

Cost: $28 per person

EAR Disclaimer

We thank Ultimate Escape Game for inviting us to play this game. Although complimentary admission was generously provided, that in no way impacts the opinion included within this review.

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