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Review: AI Rebellion

RATING: 1 Key          RESULT: Win          REMAINING: 24:11

When will programmers learn that creating a sentient AI never goes as planned?  


You’re a group of special scientific investigators that has learned that a rogue artificial intelligence program named Eliza, will take over every computer in the world in an hour. Its creator Michael Hall has gone missing and is the only one who can stop the program from taking over. You have 60 minutes to learn the secrets of Michael Hall’s laboratory and regain control of Eliza. Are you ready to find out what’s at stake?

Our team is trusted once again to tackle a rampaging computer program that will take over not only every computer, but probably the world!  Eliza isn’t happy, or maybe just glitching out, either way we must stop it.

There are no notes, backdoors, or hard resets for Eliza.  All we can do is investigate the laboratory to steer Eliza back on track.  Too bad there isn’t a giant hammer we could use to just, you know, smash the computer.


There is not much to say here about the scenic.  We arrive inside a white walled, rectangular space. There’s a table in the center, and a few “science-y type” cabinets on the walls.

That’s about it.  I’m not sure what they are trying to experiment on here, but it looks like they have not gotten very far with it.  Perhaps the budget was blown on scientist salaries rather than any decorations.

A second, equally rectangular, room is included, with similar decor.  We were expecting some crazy robot to come smashing out of the glass, but it never happens.


AI Rebellion does live up to its namesake in including tech driven puzzles.  Though some of these are limited to a tech based twist on a standard keypad/combo lock.

The puzzles run fairly linearly, with some of the lock boxes numbered in the first room.  With a larger group, there will be many bottlenecks to get something done that simply just doesn’t have the space for four people to stand around it.

We do get to rummage through Michael’s virtual notes, getting the backstory on how Eliza was created and eventually what started to go wrong.  However most of these experiences add in story line for story’s sake, it isn’t that compelling of a story to begin with.

One puzzle in particular was particularly enjoyable for our group.  A VR component added in towards the end of the game was a nice surprise.  Someone would experience the room in a modified VR helmet, while other team members would interact with the game world to help take down Eliza.

The lack of attention to detail in the scenic department had our group casually walking from box to box unlocking puzzles until we got to the more immersive part.  Instead of this immersive part being the whole room, we found out it was just a small segment. 



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Venue Details

Venue: Brain Drain Escape Room Chicago

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Number of Games: 4


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 5 people

Group Type: Private  / You will not be paired with strangers.

Cost: $99 for groups of 2-3 / $130 for groups of 4-5.

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