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Review: The Upside Down

RATING: 3 Keys          RESULT: Win          REMAINING: 0:21

This game really turned us around and left us flipped out.


For the past few weeks your sleepy Indiana hometown has been experiencing electrical disturbances and odd tales of an alternate dimension are spreading like wildfire. The stories have hit home and you have 60 minutes to restore power to your house before darkness, and the upside down dimension, swallows you forever. No previous television knowledge is needed. 

It is clear that the theme for this game draws inspiration from Netflix’s hit TV show, Stranger Things. Potential intellectual property issues aside, this game provides a nice adaptation of the characters and events depicted in the show.

At the outset of the game, adventurers are placed in the shoes of characters on the show, and are instructed that they must restore the room’s power in order to escape the parallel dimension known as The Upside Down. The progression of the story is convincing, as thrill-seekers are constantly transported between the world as we know it and the ever-so-close alternate universe. The storyworld established in this game is thoroughly engaging and entertaining. Prior knowledge of the show is not needed but will further enhance the understanding and appreciation of what Exit 4 has created here.


This game effectively makes its adventurers feel transported to a bygone era. Those who have seen Stranger Things will be delighted to notice that the entry area, the living room, is a near exact replica of that featured on the show. From the orange couch, to the box television set, to the multicolored lights hanging from the ceiling, the set duplication is quite believable.

The wood paneling, antiquated coffee table, and various paintings on the walls serve both to enhance the storyworld and to give off a 1980s vibe. To those unfamiliar with the show, the living room likely comes off as exactly what it is intended to be, a family area from the 1980s.

The scenic design of the room definitely amps up the scare factor as adventurers progress. Stranger Things fans will be very excited by a reveal that could probably be surmised from seeing the show but is nonetheless compelling and well-done.

Designing a set with alternate universes in juxtaposition can be tricky, but it is pulled off well here. Some scenic faults of The Upside Down come in the aged nature of several of the props, but that does not diminish the immersion of the game.


Puzzles in The Upside Down are largely of the find code, enter code into lock, repeat variety. This is not to say, however, that there is a lack of solid and well thought out puzzles in the game, because this is not the case.

Interesting uses of everyday objects account for a large portion of the puzzles in The Upside Down. One task in particular makes excellent use of scenery in combination with a seemingly innocuous prop, leading to a highly satisfying conclusion.

A few instance of simple tech add surprises throughout the story arc of The Upside Down. The tasks flow very naturally from one to the next leading up to the fairly difficult penultimate puzzle. Teamwork is crucial at several stages of the game as honorary electricians must communicate and work together to achieve their goal of restoring power to the home.


On the whole, this is just a fun game. While there are few if any wow moments, the puzzles in The Upside Down are logical and intuitive. The scenic is good enough to transport players to the intended world, but will not leave any strong lasting impressions.

One thing that Exit 4 Private Escape Rooms does an excellent job of across all of their games is the infusion of humor. The Upside Down is no exception. At several points throughout the game, adventurers will likely find themselves taking a moment to stop and laugh out loud. Humor is a tool all too rarely used in escape games, so kudos to Exit 4 for placing a focus on it.


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Venue Details

Venue: Exit 4 Private Escape Room

Location: Glassboro, NJ

Number of Games: 8


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 10 people

Group Type: Private  / You will not be paired with strangers.

Cost: $28 per person


EAR Disclaimer

We thank Exit 4 for inviting us to play this game. Although complimentary admission was generously provided, that in no way impacts the opinion included within this review.

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