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Remote Play Review: The Haunted Hotel

RATING: 5 Keys          RESULT: Win           REMAINING: 2:30

Whatever you do, don’t look into the mirrors!

The Haunted Hotel is a slightly modified version of the existing, physical escape game at the the venue’s brick and mortar location – retrofitted to be offered as a live, online remote play experience. Although altered slightly to better flow in this new medium, the game is, at its core, essentially the same as what guests will find should they visit Breakout in person. To read our Pro-Tips on how to best enjoy this new Remote Play genre, click here.



On a freezing night in 1936 a murder / suicide was committed. Since then it is rumored that the Logan Hotel is haunted by ghosts and that all those who have stayed there for more than sixty minutes have disappeared into thin air …

Not many places are creepier than an old hotel filled with ghosts, especially ones where people have been disappearing from without a trace. Naturally, that is the exact place we decide to check in to for our visit to Italy.

The Logan Hotel is still holding onto a shred of hope that its less than stellar reputation can eventually be forgotten and that it will once again be filled with happy travelers. Regular ghost sightings and a fifty nine minute and fifty nine second time limit on each stay are definitely hampering that rebirth.

A team of brave investigators has taken on the task of finally getting to the bottom of the murder mystery. They will explore the hotel and determine what exactly happened to Thomas and Liza on that fateful night. However, if they are not quick, they too will succumb to the sixty minute disappearance fate that many before them have been lost to.

The story is driven in part thanks to three in game actors: the character host, the hotel manager, and one of the disappeared former guests who current visitors may run into.


The Logan Hotel was once a grand, luxurious resort. The essence of the glamorous building still seeps through the decor, but an ominous darkness and aging has taken a hold. Guests’ first impression is that of the large lobby. A desk to check-in at, a fireplace to stay warm by, and an elevator are the main attention grabbers. The rest of the lobby is mostly open and nicely appointed, albeit somewhat sparse in set pieces given its size.

In an attempt to locate the room of the infamous murder/suicide, visitors will need to make their way down one of the Logan Hotel’s long corridors. This narrow space is at first noticeably darker than the lobby, lending itself well to The Haunted Hotel’s most cinematic and surprising moment.

A pile of luggage blocks the far end of the hallway, but investigators are able to see multiple doors that can be accessed. The room in which the crime is rumored to have occurred is another relatively large area furnished with heavy wood desks and cabinets.

Throughout the experience there is no time at which the Logan Hotel doesn’t appear to be authentic. Attention to detail, from the main points of interest to the finer stylistic design choices, goes a long way in creating a realistically creepy environment.


Investigators must brave the paranormal dangers of the Logan Hotel in order to get to the bottom of the disappearances. Along the way they will encounter all sorts of road blocks; lots of evidence locked away, some mysteriously magical items that seem to have a mind of their own, and puzzling riddles that provide vital information.

A noteworthy aspect of The Haunted Hotel is that the puzzle path is gated by live interactions with the property manager. Certain needed items do not become available until they are hand delivered, allowing for several creepy encounters with the totally innocent and friendly gentleman who runs the Logan.

With few exceptions, the challenges investigators must overcome fit into the storyworld nicely. Everything starts off fairly innocently before becoming eerier and more paranormal the further progress is made into the hotel.


The Haunted Hotel’s most notable feature is the use of multiple actors. This adds a sense of immersive theater to the experience which works really well in the remote play medium. In addition to having the avatar host plus two additional performers in the game, Breakout Italy uses lighting, sound, and timing to create one very memorable cinematic action sequence.

The puzzles found within this infamous hotel are by no means groundbreaking, but several clever moments are to be had throughout the investigation. With an ever present sense of danger – and mirrors that mustn’t ever be gazed upon –  the exploration in attempt to uncover what happened to Thomas and Liza keep guests on the edge of their seat from start to finish.


*Montu, Escape Authority’s VP, Dog Business™ and lead home game correspondent endorses the opinions found within this review.



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Venue Details

Venue: Breakout

Location: Remote online play at home, broadcast live from Bussero, Italy

Number of Games: 1


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 7 people

Group Type: Private / You will not be paired with strangers.

Cost: Prices vary, beginning at €60 for up to 4 people.

EAR Disclaimer

We thank Breakout for inviting us to play this game. Although complimentary access was generously provided, that in no way impacts the opinion included within this review.

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