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Remote Play Review: The Revenge of Tutanchamun

RATING: 5 Keys          RESULT: Win           REMAINING: 2:19

World famous archaeologist Diana Jones is lost deep within an ancient pyramid, and only the most highly trained Egyptologists can possibly rescue her.  Unfortunately, they were not available, so here we are!


The Revenge of Tutanchamun is a remote play version of an existing, physical escape game at the the venue’s brick and mortar location – retrofitted to be offered as a live, online experience. Although altered slightly to better flow in this new medium, the game is, at it’s core, essentially the same as what guests will find should they visit Escape Game Innsbruck in person. To read our Pro-Tips on how to best enjoy this new Remote Play genre, click here.



The Avatar Diana Jones was exploring the pyramid as the entrance suddenly closes behind her. She is locked in and the oxygen only lasts one hour. Can you solve the puzzles pharaoh Tutanchamun prepared and help her get out the pyramid alive?

The Intrepid Diana Jones, possibly the sister of a similarly named treasure hunting hero, is a grave robber with an impressive track record. Unfortunately, her luck has run out and her air supply is quickly following.

Seeing as the main entrance has tightly sealed behind her, the only way out is to venture deeper into the pyramid, searching for an alternative exit. As with any proper mysterious tomb, that is far easier said than done.

In an attempt to allow a restful sleep for King Tut himself, this pyramid has been rigged with plenty of puzzling obstacles. With the help of her remote team, Diana Jones is hoping she can overcome these challenges so that she doesn’t end up like that guy in the sarcophagus, waiting in here for 3,000 years until the next group of explorers decide to tempt their fate.


Escape Game Innsbruck clearly takes pride in the visual appearance of their games. The Revenge of Tutanchamun instantly transports explorers deep into the world of an ancient Egyptian pyramid. Stone walls appear cold to the touch, hieroglyphics cover many of the surfaces, and an ominous lighting makes it clear that this is a less-than-welcoming environment for grave robbers.

While the “Egyptian Tomb” theme often elicits a groan, if done properly it can beautifully impress even the most jaded audiences. It is not only done right at Escape Game Innsbruck, it is done perfectly. Every prop and scenic element works to further build the visual narrative. The artwork on the walls, floors, and puzzles closely mimic what is found in genuine Egyptian burial tombs. Even the sound effects enhance the rich scenic by bringing different areas of the game to life.

The spaces that Diana Jones discovers appropriately appear more ominous and mysterious the further she ventures into the tomb. The scenic truly helps to create a sense of danger and urgency, which works to enhance the storyworld and puzzle flow. It is important to note that in this remote play experience, the game host who portrays Diana Jones is an absolutely incredible actress who very successfully brings the emotions and visuals of being trapped in a tomb right through the computer screen and into the players home.


From start to finish, The Revenge of Tutanchamun is filled with logical, in world, and creative puzzles. Yes, there are hieroglyphics to be deciphered, but that is where the expected course of action ends and the surprises begin. The group of remote experts will need to guide Diana Jones as she partakes in some rather unsettling puzzle solving, but her stone faced bravery paired with the teams encouragement keep her from getting buried under the mountain of challenges that King Tut has created.

One of the highlights comes in the form of a sound based task that on its face is rather simple. However, the ghostly audio turns this task into an eerie reminder that this tomb may hold more than just one dead being.

The Revenge of Tutanchamun is a tech driven adventure, but every instance of “magic” is completely hidden and veiled within the storyworld. Clandestine passageways creak open, stones move beneath Diana’s feet, and King Tut’s famed sarcophagus itself may hide some dark secrets.

There is never a point in the game where it isn’t clear what the next task at hand is. This leads to a well paced, logical flow that culminates with the famed light at the end of the tunnel, and Diana Jones’ ability to live another day.


Escape Game Innsbruck has brought two of their games online so far, and in doing so have given players from around the globe the opportunity to experience some fantastic games that Austria has to offer. Before the game begins, an intro video is played that shows off the personality and sense of humor of the game host. This simple pre-show of sorts will help to familiarize players who have not yet played a remote game with best practices for doing so. The Revenge of Tutanchamun is viewed and played through a single online streaming page where the game host has both POV cameras and access to live views from a higher vantage point in each space. This allows them to control when players are able to see the bigger picture as opposed to a more focused view. They also nicely use a feature that overlays information on the video feed, which helps when deciphering certain information in the tomb.

We’ve mentioned in previous remote play reviews that the game host plays a big part in bringing the experience to life. We can confidently say that Escape Game Innsbruck is one of the best examples of this we have seen so far. Our host, Dina, greeted us already in the game and in character. This made for an immediate immersion into the storyworld without the need to transition from the lobby. From start to finish, Dina played the role of just brave enough explorer using voice, movement, and improvised interactions in a truly theatrical fashion. The experience of guiding Dina through the adventure came across more like directing a puzzle filled movie than it did playing an escape game.

The current situation has forced venues to adapt and create new ways for guests to experience their games. This silver lining has made it possible for enthusiasts from all over the world to play games they may not otherwise have ever seen. While our team is confident we would have enjoyed these games in person, having the opportunity to experience an Austrian game with an incredible host all from the comfort of our own homes is something we won’t soon forget.

*Montu, Escape Authority’s VP, Dog Business™ and lead home game correspondent endorses the opinions found within this review.


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Venue Details

Venue: Escape Game Innsbruck

Location: Remote online play at home, broadcast live from Innsbruck, Austria

Number of Games: 8 (2 currently available via remote play)


Duration: 60 minutes

Capacity: 6 connections

Group Type: Private / You will not be paired with strangers.

Cost: $49 for one login/connection / $54 for two / $65 for three / $76 for four / $81 for five / $88 for six


EAR Disclaimer

We thank Escape Game Innsbruck for inviting us to play this game. Although complimentary access was generously provided, that in no way impacts the opinion included within this review.

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