Escape Authority

The World's #1 Escape Game Social Hub!

2019 / Keys to Greatness – Most Innovative Brand

It’s sometimes difficult to name our own favorite venue (that’s why we let you, our readers do the hard work by voting for it!) There’s a small list of venues we have grown to love throughout the years, each for their own reasons. But a few stand out as truly Innovative Brands – ones that create the lofty expectation of something unexpected and unique in each and every game they create. It’s these Most Innovative Brands that constantly strive to reinvent the wheel and redefine the very genre of what an escape game can be, shattering preconceived notions and surprising even the most experienced of players.

Escape Authority is honored to announce our 2019 Keys To Greatness – Most Innovative Brand winners:



Boda Borg

(Malden, MA)


Born in Sweden, Boda Borg has grown to see seven locations in their homeland, one in Ireland and yes, one right here in the United States. Every little thing about this place is different. From gameplay style to structure to puzzles and even stories, Boda Borg breaks the mold of a normal interactive team-based gaming attraction at every turn. Although not an Escape Game in the traditional sense, Boda Borg absolutely falls under the umbrella of our industry, and in may ways redefines just what it can be. And although we believe Boda Borg may roughly translate to “ouch, my knees!” it’s so totally worth it.


Be sure to read both Part 1 and Part 2 of our extensive full review of Boda Borg Boston.




Cross Roads Escape Games

(Anaheim, CA)


Cross Roads Escape Games, from its very inception, is a brand that has aimed to redefine the notion of how our industry functions. Beginning by setting the bar for Split Start Gameplay in The Hex Room, Cross Roads Escape Games next set out to evolve the standard for interactive Hint Systems in The Fun House. Their newest game, The Psych Ward, seamlessly marries the concepts of puzzled-driven gameplay with a social deduction role-based mechanic. While it’s difficult to guess where such an Innovative Brand may go next, one thing seems certain: it’s somewhere none of us have ever been before!


Be sure to read our full reviews of The Hex Room and The Fun House.








July 11, 2020  –   Escape Authority takes racially intolerant comments very seriously, and as such, in light of those recently made by the owner this former award-winning venue, we can no longer support, recommend or endorse this brand. As such, this award has been removed.

This is not a political issue, nor is it a matter of opinion. This is an issue of respect and human decency. We need to do better as a people. The time for that is now.




Congratulations to our winners of the first ever Keys To Greatness – Most Innovative Brand award!

With nearly 1,000 games played across the site, being picked as one of the best three in the country is a well-earned honor to truly be proud of!

EAR Disclaimer

With so many deserving games worthy of recognition, our goal is to ensure these Keys To Greatness awards are attainable to all – not just those with blockbuster budgets that might be otherwise out of reach. As such, it’s important to note that with just one exception, a given game can only win in a single category – but every game will still be qualified to win the coveted Keys To Greatness – Best Game award on June 2, 2019.

*Although the games I’ve personally designed are consistently very highly rated by both enthusiasts and newer players alike, I cannot in good conscience nominate an attraction I created. As such, those games and the venues that call them home have been intentionally omitted from consideration for any Keys To Greatness award.



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