Escape Authority

The World's #1 Escape Game Social Hub!

2020 / Keys to Greatness – Best Split Start Game

Split Start Games add a unique layer to an experience’s puzzle flow. With teams beginning, as the name implies, separated into two or more smaller groups, the immediate goal becomes finding a way to communicate, allowing both sides to work together towards reconnecting. Split Start Games come with an added risk – if one side’s puzzles are even slightly more difficult, or if one side’s team is even slightly less experienced, both could become stuck and unable to proceed. The very best Split Start Games find a flawless balance between challenges and skill sets, creating a unique experience that at no point hinders the forward momentum of the other half of the team.

Escape Authority is honored to announce our 2020 Keys To Greatness – Best Split Start Game winners:







July 11, 2020  –   Escape Authority takes racially intolerant comments very seriously, and as such, in light of those recently made by the owner this former award-winning venue, we can no longer support, recommend or endorse this game. As such, this award has been removed.

This is not a political issue, nor is it a matter of opinion. This is an issue of respect and human decency. We need to do better as a people. The time for that is now.




The Hex Room

Cross Roads Escape Games

(Anaheim, CA)


Cross Roads Escape Games’ debut outing instantly claimed the title of one of most well known Split Start Games, and perhaps put the sub-genre itself on the map. In a world previously full of “escape the jail” games, The Hex Room is an entirely unique beast. With guests split in five separate chambers, a sixth cast in the role of Detective serves as the intermediary between the group. But while a certain degree of teamwork is absolutely required to escape this horror movie come to life, The Hex Room introduces something that no other Split Start Game had even attempted before it: the ability to leave weaker members of your group behind for dead. That’s right; The Hex Room is quite literally survival of the fittest – a Split Start Game where not only must you work together to regroup, but one where you can quite literally leave weaker players behind if they’re holding you back in your quest to live another day.


Click Here to read our full review of The Hex Room.





The Lost Expedition

Steal and Escape

(National City, CA)


For a decent portion of this Split Start experience, Steal and Escape manages to create a role-based game so unique that it’s almost two distinct experiences worthy of replaying. Not only are the two starting rooms differently themed, but they carry their own unique skill sets and puzzle styles – each which cater to very different types of player personalities. Importantly, at no point does either half of the team feel like they’re waiting for the other to complete a task. The Lost Expedition’s challenges are so well balanced that this Split Start game flows at a steady pace until groups are ultimately reuinted. No matter the origin point of your Expedition, Steal and Escape creates a world that leaves every player feeling like a vital piece of the story.


Click here to read our full review of The Lost Expedition.





Congratulations to our winners of the second annual Keys To Greatness – Best Split Start Game award!

With more than 1,000 games played across the site, being picked as one of the best three in the country is a well-earned honor to truly be proud of!

EAR Disclaimer

With so many deserving games worthy of recognition, our goal is to ensure these Keys To Greatness awards are attainable to all – not just those with blockbuster budgets that might be otherwise out of reach. As such, it’s important to note that we have, as much as possible, limited games to winning a single category – but every game will still be qualified to win the coveted Keys to Greatness – Best Game award, as well as the Keys to Greatness – Remote Play awards.

*Although the games I’ve personally designed are consistently very highly rated by both enthusiasts and newer players alike, I cannot in good conscience nominate an attraction I created. As such, those games and the venues that call them home have been intentionally omitted from consideration for any Keys To Greatness award.



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